Courses & Units

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry KRA241

2025 unit information is now available. View 2025 unit information.

Students who would like to do this unit but have a timetable problem with either lectures or laboratory work should consult the Chemistry Discipline Leader or Unit Coordinator.


This unit builds on first year chemistry and consolidates this theoretical and practical framework. It is one of two 200 level units essential for students who intend to major in chemistry, or who are majoring in disciplines that interface with Chemistry (ie. biotechnology & medical research, biochemistry and biology). Lectures include organic spectroscopy for the structural identification of organic and inorganic molecules, and the fundamental reactions and concepts central to chemical synthesis. The topic covers the synthesis and properties of organic compounds (alkenes, aromatic and carbonyl compounds) and inorganic compounds (especially transition metal coordination complexes ). The interrelationships of chemistry with the life sciences are also emphasised with relevant biological examples. In this unit, there is a strong focus on laboratory techniques for preparation, isolation and spectroscopic analysis of organic and inorganic compounds including those of biological relevance (such as essential oils, drug precursors, and enzyme mimics).


Unit name Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Unit code KRA241
Credit points 12.5
College/School College of Sciences and Engineering
School of Natural Sciences
Discipline Chemistry
Coordinator Professor Jason Smith
Available as an elective? Yes
Delivered By University of Tasmania
Level Intermediate

Sustainable Development Goals

The Unit Coordinator has identified that this unit aligns with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome your thoughts and feedback on the alignment of the unit with these goals.


Location Study period Attendance options Available to
Hobart Semester 1 On-Campus International Domestic


International students
Domestic students

Key Dates

Study Period Start date Census date WW date End date
Semester 1 26/2/2024 22/3/2024 15/4/2024 2/6/2024

* The Final WW Date is the final date from which you can withdraw from the unit without academic penalty, however you will still incur a financial liability (refer to How do I withdraw from a unit? for more information).

Unit census dates currently displaying for 2024 are indicative and subject to change. Finalised census dates for 2024 will be available from the 1st October 2023. Note census date cutoff is 11.59pm AEST (AEDT during October to March).

About Census Dates

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate and predict chemical data to resolve chemical questions and advance chemical inquiry in molecular stability and reactivity.
  • Analyse and predict spectral data to determine chemical structure.
  • Perform safe laboratory chemical manipulations using standard techniques and equipment.
  • Communicate scientific concepts and experimental results using appropriate scientific notation.

Fee Information

Field of Education Commencing Student Contribution 1,3 Grandfathered Student Contribution 1,3 Approved Pathway Course Student Contribution 2,3 Domestic Full Fee 4
010500 $1,118.00 $1,118.00 not applicable $2,978.00

1 Please refer to more information on student contribution amounts.
2 Please refer to more information on eligibility and Approved Pathway courses.
3 Please refer to more information on eligibility for HECS-HELP.
4 Please refer to more information on eligibility for FEE-HELP.

If you have any questions in relation to the fees, please contact UConnect or more information is available on StudyAssist.

Please note: international students should refer to What is an indicative Fee? to get an indicative course cost.



(KRA113 - Chemistry 1A Hobart AND KRA114 - Chemistry 1B Hobart) OR (KRA101 - Chemistry 1A AND KRA102 - Chemistry 1B)

Mutual Exclusions

You cannot enrol in this unit as well as the following:

KRA531 Organic and Inorganic Chemistry


Teaching Pattern

Weekly pre-recorded lectures, 2 x 1-hr F2F tutorial sessions weekly (13 wks) and 4-hr lab weekly (10 wks)

AssessmentAssignments (30%)|Laboratory (30%)|Examination (40%)
TimetableView the lecture timetable | View the full unit timetable



Required readings will be listed in the unit outline prior to the start of classes.

The University reserves the right to amend or remove courses and unit availabilities, as appropriate.