Menzies Institute for Medical Research

Better health and better lives for Tasmanians is the vision that drives our research at Menzies

Menzies is one of Australia’s leading health and medical
research institutes

We strive for a world where the diseases that currently touch every Tasmanian are halted

Our research

Our research focuses on the major diseases affecting the Tasmanian community.

Taking a disease prevention approach, our research is aimed at improving patient care and clinical outcomes for the community by translating knowledge into clinical and policy actions.

Our research at Menzies

Study with us

  • Research degrees: We provide our students with world-class training and facilities, strong mentorship and cutting-edge projects.
  • Free online courses: We aim to help educate the community on all aspects of specific health areas.
Studying at Menzies

How can you help our research at Menzies

There are many ways you can help us on our mission. Join a study, get involved through your lived experiences, or support life-changing research by donating today.

Get involved with Menzies