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6.1 Safety and Wellbeing Policy

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Safety and Wellbeing Policy


The University is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for the University community by fostering a positive safety and wellbeing culture that enables our people to thrive.  This includes proactively managing physical and psychosocial risks to safety and wellbeing within our workplaces.

1 People safety and wellbeingResponsible
1.1 The University has a primary duty of care to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, people are safe when working, visiting and studying at the University. Chief People Officer
1.2 The University will provide safe systems of work, plant and structures and information, training, instruction and supervision to support the physical and psychosocial health, safety and wellbeing of the University community to minimise or eliminate risk. Chief People Officer
1.3 All members of the University community must understand and meet their workplace health and safety obligations to work safely and will report all incidents and events that did or could have impacted their safety and wellbeing or the safety and wellbeing of others. Chief People Officer
1.4 The University will learn from events to improve safety and wellbeing wherever possible and share these lessons. Chief People Officer
1.5 The University will monitor, measure and report on our safety and wellbeing performance. Chief People Officer
1.6 The University will engage and consult with the University community on the development, implementation and review of safety and wellbeing initiatives as appropriate. Chief People Officer
1.7Safety and wellbeing will be integrated into University planning and decision making.Chief People Officer
1.8The University will promote positive safety and wellbeing  strategies for individuals  and teams.Chief People Officer

Definitions and acronyms:  University community

16 August 2024 Once printed this is an uncontrolled document: Version history

All University community members must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, University By-Laws, ordinances, policies and procedures.