Scholarships and fees for research degrees

The main type of financial support available to graduate research candidates is in the form of scholarships.

Scholarships are awarded pursuant to the eligibility and selection criteria specified in the relevant conditions of the award and any specific project or scholarship advertisement. They are allocated competitively based on academic merit, experience, prior learning and other relevant attainments. Priority is given to new candidates in strategic research areas.

An offer of a scholarship to a candidate will be made and accepted in accordance with the HDR Admissions, Selection and Enrolment Procedure.

There are scholarships available to cover some or all the following:

  • living allowance
  • tuition fees
  • relocation allowance

Major scholarships

The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarships and the Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship (TGRS) are awarded throughout the year to high quality international and domestic candidates. The RTP scholarship and TGRS rate for 2025 is $33,511pa.

If you are considering applying for a scholarship please review the college specific scholarship closing dates for each round, noting whether the round is open to domestic and/or international applications.

Awarded competitively to candidates of exceptional research potential to assist with living costs while undertaking a Higher Degree by Research Living Allowance.

AUD $33,511 per annum (2025 rate). This rate is indexed annually on 1st January.

Standard Duration

PhD: 3.5 years FTE. It is important to be aware that the duration of the scholarship is less than the maximum length of candidature, which is 4 years.

Masters: 2 years FTE.

Tuition Fees

International: Unless a Tuition Fee Scholarship has been awarded, international HDR candidates are charged tuition fees for the duration of their research degree. International candidates pay an annual fee, please see the tuition fee rates (per annum) for 2025 PDF 185.2 KB.

Domestic: The RTP Fees Offset covers tuition fees for domestic candidates enrolled in a research degree for the duration of the course with no extension available. The value of an RTP Fee Offsets is equivalent to the tuition fee rates (per annum) for 2025 PDF 185.2 KB

Relocation Allowance

The RTP Allowance can assist with costs associated with relocating to Tasmania to undertake a Higher Degree by Research up to AUD $2,000.

Eligibility & Conditions of Award

For detailed information about eligibility and conditions of award please see the University:

Please Note: The RTP Scholarship does not cover costs and fees, such as the Student Services and Amenities Fee, Overseas Health Cover, and visa costs. These are the candidate's responsibility.

Please Note: If already in receipt of an RTP scholarship, a transferring candidate will need to apply for an RTP scholarship in accordance with the HDR Admissions, Selection and Enrolment Procedure, and the application will be considered on the same basis, and by reference to the same criteria, which applies to all other RTP applicants.

For further information please see the Department of Education, Skills and Employment Research Training Program website.

Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarships are available across all research disciplines at the University of Tasmania and will be awarded to applicants with demonstrated research ability.

Living Allowance

AUD $33,511 per annum (2025 rate). This rate is indexed annually on 1st January.

Standard Duration

PhD: 3.5 years FTE. It is important to be aware that the duration of the scholarship is less than the maximum length of candidature, which is 4 years.

Masters: 2 years FTE.

Tuition Fees

International: Unless a Tuition Fee Scholarship has been awarded, international HDR candidates are charged tuition fees for the duration of their research degree. International candidates pay an annual fee, please see the tuition fee rates (per annum) for 2025 PDF 185.2 KB.

Domestic: The RTP Fees Offset covers tuition fees for domestic candidates enrolled in a research degree for the duration of the course with no extension available. The value of an RTP Fee Offsets is equivalent to the tuition fee rates (per annum) for 2025 PDF 185.2 KB.

Relocation Allowance

The TGRS provides an allowance to assist with costs associated with relocating to Tasmania to undertake a Higher Degree by Research up to AUD $2,000.

Eligibility & Conditions of Award

For detailed information about eligibility and conditions of award please see the University:

Please Note: The TGRS does not cover costs and fees, such as the Student Services and Amenities Fee, Overseas Health Cover, and visa costs. These are the candidate's responsibility.

Prestigious domestic scholarships


This scholarship aims to address gender inequities in STEM through fostering more women and non-binary led industry-academia collaborations in applied research and business, growing professional skills of women in STEM and propelling women and non-binary people into leadership.

The Elevate program provides:

  • A scholarship
  • Access to events and networking
  • Mentoring
  • Wellbeing support during scholars’ university studies

Value and Duration

This Scholarship provides up to $130,000 over 3.5 years

Closing date

  1. 30 August 2024: Submission of application to Elevate
  2. 01 October 2024: Submission of application to UTAS for a research degree


Please refer to the Elevate website for information on eligibility requirements.

Application Process

Domestic applications for the 2025 Elevate Scholarship round are now open.

Applications for this Scholarship must be submitted via the Elevate website by 30 August 2024.

Applicants who intend to apply for this Scholarship must also visit the University of Tasmania’s Apply Now website and complete an application. At the end of the application, within the Comment field, please advise that you are also applying for the Elevate Scholarship.

A note regarding eligibility requirements and University Round timing:

Eligibility requirements for this Scholarship specify a 2025 commencement (with a 01 January 2025 to 31 July 2025 commencement period). To ensure there is evidence of your intention to undertake a research degree, please apply to the University, or contact with your intention to apply for candidature, at the same time as applying for the Elevate Scholarship.

More information

For more information on this Scholarship, please visit the Elevate website, or email

This scholarship honours the life and work of the late Japanangka errol West, an internationally recognised poet and scholar. Japanangka errol was a leading Tasmanian Aboriginal academic, known for his scholarship in the field of Indigenous methodologies and pedagogies.

Value and Duration

This scholarship consists of a base living allowance stipend, co-funded by the Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Aboriginal Leadership (OPVCAL), of $50,000pa and a top-up scholarship, funded by the OPVCAL, of $10,000pa for 3.5 years.

Closing date

01 February 2025


The following eligibility criteria apply to this scholarship:

Applicants must:

  • be eligible to enrol in a full time Masters or Doctoral degree at the University of Tasmania in 2025;
  • not be receiving equivalent income to support their general living costs from another source related to their proposed research degree (equivalent being defined as greater than 75% of the base stipend rate);
  • meet the Australian Government’s definition of Aboriginality, which requires that an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person:
    • is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent;
    • identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person; and,
    • is accepted as such by the community in which he or she lives or has lived
  • complete the declaration of Aboriginality.

*These scholarships are subject to Exemption 13/09/033 that permits advertising for and awarding of the scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates only.

Selection Criteria

The project is competitively assessed and awarded.  Selection is based on academic merit and suitability to the project as determined by the College and the UTAS Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) committee.


The scholarship is funded by the University of Tasmania and the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP).

Application Process

Applicants may:

  • apply for an advertised HDR project listed on the Available Projects webpage; or,
  • contact the Office of Aboriginal Leadership for assistance in seeking a Supervisor to develop your own project

In your application, please indicate under Scholarship Support that you wish to be considered for a UTAS merit-based scholarship for a living allowance, as well as Japanangka errol West Graduate Research Scholarship.

After submitting your application for candidature, please contact with your name, application ID number and the name of the scholarship you have applied for.

More information

Please contact the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Aboriginal Leadership for further information regarding Higher Degrees by Research (HDR):

Commencing in 2018 , this program seeks to strengthen Aboriginal engagement at the University of Tasmania by providing opportunity for senior Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to undertake higher degree research projects of importance to Aboriginal communities, particularly the palawa people of Tasmania. It provides a supportive pathway for Indigenous research, offering supervision from experienced Aboriginal researchers tailored to the individual needs of the candidate, ongoing skill-development workshops, and a generous stipend for the duration of the candidature (3.5 years for PhD, 2 years for MRes).

Topics which may be undertaken include, but are not restricted to: biographies and histories of Aboriginal people; organisations or communities; language; health; law; social or economic development; land; sea and; cultural resource management.

Value and Duration

The scholarship consists of a base living allowance stipend of $52,352pa (2025 rate, indexed annually) for 3.5 years for a Doctoral degree, or 2 years for a Masters of Research degree.

Closing date

01 Februrary 2025


The following eligibility criteria apply to this scholarship:

Applicants must:

  • be eligible to enrol in a full time Masters or Doctoral degree at the University of Tasmania in 2025, and
  • not be receiving an equivalent award, scholarship or salary to undertake the proposed program (equivalent being defined as greater than 75% of the stipend), and
  • for:
    • Doctoral applicants, completed at least four years of tertiary education studies, and must have achieved at least an upper second class Honours degree or hold equivalent qualifications or relevant and substantial research experience in an appropriate sector, or
    • Masters by Research applicants, completed at least four years of tertiary education studies, and must have achieved at least lower second class Honours degree or hold equivalent qualifications or relevant and substantial research experience in an appropriate sector, and
  • demonstrate evidence of leadership or significant contribution to Aboriginal community development and undertake a research topic that is of benefit to Tasmania Aboriginal people or community development, and
  • meet the Australian Government’s definition of Aboriginality, which requires that an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
    • is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent;
    • identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person; and
    • is accepted as such by the community in which he or she lives or has lived
  • complete the declaration of Aboriginality.

*These scholarships are subject to Exemption 13/09/033 that permits advertising for and awarding of the scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates only.

Selection Criteria

The project is competitively assessed and awarded.  Selection is based on academic, professional, and/or community merit, and suitability to the project as determined by the College and the UTAS Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) committee.

The scope and value of the research proposal (see the Research Plan Guide below) encompasses 3 criteria:

  1. The extent to which the research will add value to the chosen field.
  2. The extent it will add value to community.
  3. The extent to which the research is viable.


The scholarship is funded by the University of Tasmania and the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP).

Drafting and Submitting Your Application

There are a number of stages that are required in order to prepare and submit your application, a checklist for this process may be found here (DOCX 23.0 KB).

The first task is to formulate a research topic and project which is relevant to Aboriginal communities and is appropriately sized to the selected program (PhD or MRes, for the difference please see here). Within this stage it is important to both align your research topic to a relevant discipline (e.g. sociology or history), consider which methods and methodology to be adopted (e.g. surveys, quantitative or qualitative) and ensure it is achievable within the time allotted time period (not too large or small).

We advise speaking with the HDR Support Person from the Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Aboriginal Leadership (see below for contact details) or an academic known to you who may be able to assist you in this regard.

For the application process itself, there this an initial expression of interest to submit and, if this is approved, you may then prepare your research proposal and application (see Apply Now). The research proposal is a short two-page pitch for your project, outlining why it is important, how it will be undertaken and what it will seek to achieve. A set of resources are provided below to assist you to complete your proposal, including some proposals for research completed by Aboriginal researchers at the University of Tasmania. For further information, we recommend Social Research Methods edited by Distinguished Professor Maggie Walter.

After submitting your application for candidature, please contact with your name, application ID number and the name of the scholarship you have applied for.

More information

Please contact the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Aboriginal Leadership for further information regarding Higher Degrees by Research (HDR):


The Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship aims to empower individuals to become leaders in their field, helping them to drive positive change and create a brighter tomorrow for Australia.

The Scholarship provides:

  • A scholarship
  • Leadership development
  • Overseas experiences

Value and Duration

This Scholarship is a top-up scholarship, with lump-sum payments, which provides up to $120,000 over 2 to 3 years.

Closing date

  1. 29 August 2024: Submission of application to Westpac
  2. 01 October 2024: Submission of application to UTAS for a research degree


Please refer to the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship website for information on eligibility requirements.

Application Process

Domestic applications for the 2025 Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship round are now open.

Applications for this Scholarship must be submitted via the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship website by 29 August 2024.

Applicants who intend to apply for this Scholarship must also visit the University of Tasmania’s Apply Now website and complete an application. At the end of the application, within the Comment field, please advise that you are also applying for the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship.

A note regarding eligibility requirements and University Round timing:

Eligibility requirements for this Scholarship specify a 2025 commencement (with a 01 January 2025 to 30 June 2025 commencement period). To ensure there is evidence of your intention to undertake a research degree, please apply to the University, or contact with your intention to apply for candidature, at the same time as applying for the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship.

More information

For more information on this Scholarship, please visit the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship website, or email

For postgraduate coursework applicants, please also visit the External Scholarships Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship webpage on how you may apply, and direct all queries to the Future Students team.

To discover the latest news and reflections from past and present scholars, including alumni tips, please also visit Westpac's Future Leaders News:

Externally funded scholarships

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the University of Tasmania (UTAS) are jointly offering PhD research scholarships to students from the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Applications for PhD candidature are invited from all research areas.

Eligibility criteria

Applications will be accepted from applicants who have graduated from Chinese universities and institutions to study for a UTAS PhD research degree, and who meet the eligibility requirements as prescribed by CSC and UTAS in accordance with their rules and policies. If the successful candidate completes the requirements of the designated program and successfully defends their dissertation, they will be conferred with a Doctor of Philosophy degree by UTAS.

Entry requirements for the University of Tasmania are outlined on the What is a Research Degree webpage.

Applicants must also meet the selection criteria as set out by China Scholarships Council and the CSC Application Guideline.

Application and selection procedure

Applicants shall apply to UTAS for acceptance before lodging an application to the CSC by 31 March 2025. For more information visit China Scholarships Council and refer to the CSC Application Guideline.

Application to UTAS    

When applying applicants should note the following steps and key dates:

  • Identify your chosen project via the Available Projects webpage and apply via the apply now link in the advertisement
  • Notify your proposed Supervisor of your intention to apply for a CSC Scholarship by 20 January 2025 (note this step is important so your application may be identified early)
  • When submitting your full application, please specify that you are applying for a CSC Scholarship
  • Applicants must submit their full application to UTAS by COB 01 February 2025
  • If successful with UTAS, an offer letter will be issued prior to the China Scholarships Council due date of 31 March 2025 and will be conditional on the candidate receiving a China Scholarships Council scholarship

Please note, some applicants may be required to undergo a separate selection process at their PRC home institution for CSC Scholarships.  If an applicant’s home institution requires a University of Tasmania letter of offer for their selection process before the closing date, applicants must submit their application early and inform their proposed supervisors.

Incomplete applications, or applications received after the closing date, may not be assessed prior to the deadline for consideration for a CSC Scholarship.

Application to China Scholarships Council

Applicants who have obtained the offer letter from UTAS shall submit their application and supporting documents to the CSC for consideration.  Applicants may check the China Scholarships Council website for confirmation of dates.

The CSC will then evaluate the candidates and provide UTAS with a final list of scholarship recipients and inform the successful applicants directly.

Please note that the information above is subject to change based on current CSC's agreement with UTAS.

Current donor funded scholarships


The Baillieu Research Scholarship was established by a gift from the Honourable William Lawrence Baillieu and family. The Baillieu family wished to support descendants of World War I veterans who had been killed, blinded or totally and permanently incapacitated during service.

Value & Duration

This Scholarship is a top-up scholarship that provides $8,500pa for 3.5 years

Closing Date

01 February 2025


The following eligibility criteria apply to this Scholarship:

  • An applicant applying for a PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate;
  • An applicant applying for a PhD, or a current candidate who has been offered or has commenced a PhD, with a research project in Medicine, Law, Commerce, Economics or Architecture; and,
  • Preference for a fully qualified applicant or candidate who is the lineal descendant of an Australian soldier or sailor who, as the result of an occurrence happening during the period he was a member of the Forces, has died or has been blinded or has been permanently and totally incapacitated, with priority being given to World War I service. A statutory declaration can be used in support of this claim.

Application Process

Applicants who wish to apply for the Scholarship, in addition to a PhD and a base living allowance stipend, should visit the University of Tasmania’s Apply Now website and complete an application. At the end of the application, within the Comment field, please advise that you are also applying for the Baillieu Research Scholarship. Please ensure to include a statutory declaration if you meet the preference eligibility criteria.

For current PhD candidates at the University of Tasmania, who have been offered or awarded a living allowance base stipend, please complete and submit the Donor-Funded Scholarship Application form for Current Candidate (Word 74KB) to

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for the Scholarship. Heavier weighting will be applied to those applications that meet the preference eligibility criteria.

Provision of the award is determined by demonstration of academic merit.

One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the Scholarship being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a PhD candidate.

More information

Please contact for more information.

  1. The Baillieu Research Scholarship was established by a gift from the Honourable William Lawrence Baillieu and family in support of descendants of World War I veterans who had been killed, blinded or totally and permanently incapacitated during service.
  2. The Scholarship will be awarded as a top-up scholarship for applicants offered candidature as a PhD candidate, with a base living allowance stipend, or for current PhD candidates already holding or eligible for a base living allowance stipend at the University rate.
  3. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. An applicant applying for a PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate;
    2. An applicant applying for a PhD, or a current candidate who has been offered or has commenced a PhD, with a research project in Medicine, Law, Commerce, Economics or Architecture; and,
    3. Preference for a fully qualified applicant or candidate who is the lineal descendant of an Australian soldier or sailor who, as the result of an occurrence happening during the period he was a member of the Forces, has died or has been blinded or has been permanently and totally incapacitated, with priority being given to World War I service. A statutory declaration can be used in support of this claim.
  4. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research (PVCGR) or delegate, with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 3. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research may select the final candidate if multiple applications are submitted across colleges.
  5. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the candidate’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the top-up; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the top-up and is subject to the student:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Graduate Research Office
      3. providing a report on their progress in writing or in person as specified in the conditions of their award as requested by the Graduate Research Office
  6. One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the Scholarship being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a PhD candidate.
  7. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the Scholarship from time to time with regard to the income from the Fund.
  8. The Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment.


The Dr Daphne Cooper Scholarship (Scholarship) is made possible through the generosity of the late Dr Daphne Cooper who was a lecturer in the School of Psychology from 1960 until her retirement in 1975. Originally a graduate of the University of Tasmania in Arts (1941), she undertook postgraduate studies in clinical psychology at University of Western Australia before completing her PhD in Psychology at the University of Tasmania in 1971. Daphne's long-term interests in educational and developmental psychology reflect her early career in teaching and her work as a vocational guidance officer for the Tasmanian Education Department.

Value & Duration

This Scholarship is a top-up scholarship that provides $3,000pa for 3.5 years.

Closing Date

01 February 2025


The following eligibility criteria apply to this Scholarship:

  • An applicant applying for PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate; and,
  • An applicant applying for a PhD with a research project in the School of Psychological Sciences, or a current PhD candidate with a research project in the School of Psychological Sciences.

Application Process

Applicants who wish to apply for the Scholarship, in addition to a PhD and a base living allowance stipend, should visit the University of Tasmania’s Apply Now website and complete an application. At the end of the application, within the Comment field, please advise that you are also applying for the Dr Daphne Cooper Scholarship.

For current PhD candidates at the University of Tasmania, who have been offered or awarded a living allowance base stipend, please complete and submit the Donor-Funded Scholarship Application form for Current Candidate (Word 74KB) to

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for the Scholarship.

Provision of the award is determined by demonstration of academic merit.

One scholarship will be offered annually.

More information

Please contact for more information.

  1. The Scholarship will be awarded as a top-up scholarship for applicants offered candidature as a PhD candidate, with a base living allowance stipend, or for current PhD candidates already holding or eligible for a base living allowance stipend at the University rate.
  2. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. an applicant applying for PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate; and,
    2. an applicant applying for a PhD with a research project in the School of Psychological Sciences, or a current PhD candidate with a research project in the School of Psychological Sciences.
  3. The Scholarship selection will be determined by demonstration of academic merit by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 2.
  4. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the candidate's course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship; or,
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship, and is subject to the candidate:
      1. continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office;
      2. continuing to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Graduate Research Office;
      3. providing a report on their progress in writing or in person as specified in the conditions of their award as requested by the Graduate Research Office.
  5. One scholarship will be offered annually at any time.
  6. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the Scholarship.
  7. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research and Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures, and the method and time of payment.


The Limestone Valley How Family Trust was established at the University of Tasmania from a bequest by the late John How. Named after Limestone Valley, the How family’s former cattle farm in Mole Creek, Tasmania his gift, will provide the Limestone Valley How Family PhD Scholarship to support medical research for one or more PhD candidates. The Scholarship will be supported along with a full University PhD stipend.

Value & Duration

This Scholarship is a top-up scholarship of $10,000pa (not indexed) for up to 3.5 years.

The Scholarship also includes up to $30,000 of funding support, which will be used to assist the successful applicant as agreed with by the Primary Supervisor and as approved by their Academic Unit. Funding support may include:

  • Overseas health cover insurance (for a single person)
  • University required Student Services and Amenities Fee
  • Project and career development
  • Travel to visit family during candidature (one trip)

Closing Date

01 February 2025


The Limestone Valley How Family PhD Scholarship is a marquee scholarship awarded to outstanding applicants. The following eligibility criteria apply to this Scholarship:

  • An applicant applying for a PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate; and,
  • An applicant applying for a PhD with a research project in the area of Medical Research within an Academic Unit in the College of Health and Medicine.

Application Process

Applicants who wish to apply for the Scholarship, in addition to a PhD and a base living allowance stipend, should visit the University of Tasmania’s Apply Now website and complete an application. At the end of the application, within the Comment field, please advise that you are also applying for the Limestone Valley How Family PhD Scholarship.

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for the Scholarship.

Provision of the award is determined by demonstration of academic merit.

Multiple Scholarships may be offered within a year and/or scholarship round.

More information

Please contact for more information.

  1. The Limestone Valley How Family Trust has been established at the University from a bequest by the late John How. Administered by the Advancement Office, the purpose of the fund is to support medical research for one or more graduate students. This gift will provide the “Limestone Valley How Family PhD Scholarship” (the Scholarship) and will be supported with a full University PhD Stipend.
  2. The Scholarship will be awarded as a AUD $10,000pa top-up Scholarship and AUD $30,000 support package, for applicants offered PhD candidature, with a base living allowance stipend.
  3. The funding support package may be used for the following, and will be administered by the Academic Unit:
    1. Costs of overseas health cover insurance for a single person (international students).
    2. Payment of Student Services and Amenities Fee.
    3. Project and career development support, including support for internships, specialist training, and research project costs.
    4. Assistance to support interstate or international travel (one single economy return airline) to visit family during candidature (up to $3000)
  4. Additional support may be provided to the Scholarship recipient from Academic Units at their discretion as per existing agreements.
  5. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. An applicant applying for a PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate; and,
    2. An applicant applying for a PhD with a research project in the area of Medical Research within an Academic Unit in the College of Health and Medicine.
  6. The Scholarship selection will be determined by demonstration of academic merit by an approved selection process overseen by the Associate Dean Research Performance within the College of Health and Medicine (or nominee), with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 5.
  7. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the candidate's course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship, and is subject to the candidate:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Graduate Research Office
      3. Providing a report on their progress in writing or in person as specified in the conditions of their award as requested by the Graduate Research Office
  8. The Scholarship will be open to applicants in all relevant scholarship rounds in 2024 and 2025.
  9. Multiple Scholarships may be offered within a year and/or scholarship round.
  10. The Limestone Valley How Family PhD Scholarship is a marquee scholarship awarded to top-tier applicants. Eligibility criteria will need to be met at a very high level. Applicants must satisfy the University entrance requirements to undertake a PhD with outstanding academic results and demonstrated research readiness. If applications of outstanding merit are not received the Scholarship may not be offered.
  11. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research and the Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment of the top-up. The funding support package will be approved and administered by the Academic Unit.


This Scholarship has been established in honour of Emeritus Professor Roberta Julian PhD, Founding Director of the Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies at the University. The donor of this scholarship, Kate Hodgson, is an Alumna and former scholarship recipient who wanted to express her gratitude for Professor Julian's generous and unwavering enthusiasm for supervising Masters by Research (MRes) and PhD students. Kate feels Professor Julian's passion for teaching and research is infectious and could propel even the most hesitant among us to find excitement and gain confidence in intellectually probing societal puzzles.

Value & Duration

This Scholarship is a top-up scholarship that provides $5,000pa for 1 year

Closing Date

01 February 2025


The following eligibility criteria apply to this Scholarship:

  • A current MRes or PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate.
  • A current candidate who has successfully undertaken Confirmation of Candidature, whose research project is in the area of sociology or criminology.
  • A current candidate who can demonstrate financial, educational, geographical, societal, and/or historical disadvantage, and describe how this scholarship will assist them with their research.

Application Process

For current MRes and PhD candidates at the University of Tasmania, who have been offered or awarded a living allowance base stipend, please complete and submit the Donor-Funded Scholarship Application form for Current Candidate (Word 74KB) to

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for the Scholarship.

Provision of the award is determined by demonstration of academic merit.

One scholarship will be offered annually. Up to three scholarships available.

More information

Please contact for more information.

  1. The Roberta Julian Scholarship for Sociology and Criminology (the Scholarship) will be awarded as a top-up scholarship.
  2. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. A current Masters by Research (MRes) or PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate;
    2. A current candidate who has successfully undertaken Confirmation of Candidature, whose research project is in the area of sociology or criminology; and,
    3. A current candidate who can demonstrate financial, educational, geographical, societal, and/or historical disadvantage, and describe how this scholarship will assist them with their research.
  3. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research (PVCGR) or delegate, with specific regard to the eligibility criteria.
  4. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 1 yearof the candidate’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the top-up; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the top-up and is subject to the student:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office;
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Graduate Research Office; and,
      3. Providing the following to the Advancement Office, which will be shared with the Donor/Custodian of this scholarship on their behalf:
        1. A thank you letter. Please see sample letter for reference; and,
        2. Project updates, to be provided between 6-12 months of accepting the scholarship, and then every 6-12 months for the remainder of the scholarship support.
  5. The Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment.


As a result of an endowed gift from the late Lady Cuthbertson the University of Tasmania can offer named research scholarships to honour the late Sir Harold Cuthbertson and the late Lady Cuthbertson. This gift, along with a contribution from the College of Science and Engineering, will provide a Cuthbertson Elite Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship (Scholarship) in the areas of agricultural, horticultural, aquaculture or silviculture.

Value & Duration

This Scholarship consists of a base living allowance stipend of $33,511pa (2025 rate, indexed annually) and a top-up scholarship of $10,000pa (not indexed) for 3.5 years.

Closing Date

01 February 2025


The following eligibility criteria apply to this Scholarship:

  • An applicant who has completed at least four years of tertiary education studies, with First Class Honours or equivalent from a recognised tertiary institution
  • An applicant applying for a full-time PhD at the University of Tasmania, with a research project in agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, or silviculture
  • An applicant who has not been awarded a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed candidature/scholarship
  • An applicant who is an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of Australia

Application Process

Applicants who wish to apply for the Scholarship, in addition to a PhD and a base living allowance stipend, should visit the University of Tasmania’s Apply Now website and complete an application. At the end of the application, within the Comment field, please advise that you are also applying for the Cuthbertson Elite Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship.

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for the Scholarship.

Provision of the award is determined by demonstration of academic merit, as well as by the personal qualities and achievements that are relevant to the applicant making a significant contribution to society.

More information

For detailed information about the conditions of award please see the University:

Please Note: This Scholarship does not cover costs and fees, such as the Student Services and Amenities Fee. This is the candidate's responsibility.

Please contact for more information.

Upcoming donor funded scholarships


The late Dianne Eerden made a substantial gift in her Will to the University of Tasmania to be used for a scholarship or bursary for a female student in the areas of neurosurgery or neuroscience.

Type of Scholarship

Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

October 2026*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

  1. An amount of $290,144 donated by the late Dianne Eerden to the University of Tasmania Foundation, together with any future donations and accrued interest, (the Fund) forms the endowment of the "Dianne Eerden Elite Research Top-up Scholarship" (the Scholarship).
  2. The Scholarship will be awarded as a top-up scholarship for applicants offered candidature as a PhD candidate, with a base living allowance stipend, or for current PhD candidates already holding or eligible for a base living allowance stipend at the University rate.
  3. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. A female graduate
    2. An applicant applying for a PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate; and,
    3. An applicant applying for PhD, with a research project in the area of neurosurgery or neuroscience.
  4. If changes occur to courses, or the criteria in practice limits the number of applicants significantly, the University Graduate Research Office may modify the criteria with regard to the intention of the donor to ensure the scholarship can be awarded.
  5. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research, with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 3.
  6. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the candidate’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the top-up; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the top-up and is subject to the student:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress  as determined by the Graduate Research Office
      3. providing a report on their progress in writing or in person as specified in the conditions of their award as requested by the Graduate Research Office
  7. One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the Scholarship being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a PhD candidate.
  8. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the Scholarship from time to time with regard to the income from the Fund.
  9. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment.


The late Dr Joan Woodberry AM, an alumna of the University of Tasmania, bequeathed her estate to make a fellowship available at the University of Tasmania. This gift, along with a contribution from the College of Science and Engineering will provide a fellowship available to talented women.

Type of Scholarship

Base Scholarship and Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

March 2025*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

  1. The late Dr Joan Woodberry AM, an alumna of the University of Tasmania, bequeathed her estate to make a fellowship available at the University of Tasmania. This gift, along with a contribution from the College of Science and Engineering will provide a fellowship available to talented women.
  2. The Fellowship is to be known as the Dr Joan Woodberry Postgraduate Fellowship in Engineering or Bioscience.
  3. The Fellowship will be offered every two years.
  4. The Fellowship may only be awarded to an eligible postgraduate student at the University of Tasmania. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. Female Australian citizen undertaking postgraduate study in the fields of engineering or bioscience at the University of Tasmania.
  5. The Fellowship will be awarded by a selection committee made up of no less than three members made up of:
    • the Dean of Science, Engineering and Technology, or nominee/s
    • the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research, or nominee
    • Mr James Walker, executor of Dr Joan Woodberry’s estate, while he wishes to be involved
    • Dr Randy Rose, while he wishes to be involved
  6. The Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the fellowship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment of the fellowship.
  7. The Fellowship is tenable for 3.5 years, with no extension, of the student’s course of study. The duration of the Fellowship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Graduate Research Scholarship; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Graduate Research Scholarship and is subject to the student;
      1. Continuing in full-time study or part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy
      3. Providing a written report on their progress to the Graduate Research Office where specified in the conditions of the award.


Janet Cretan is a respected member of the Tasmanian community, who has a long and involved history with the University of Tasmania and the broader community. Her father, the Late Professor Keith Isles CMG was Vice-Chancellor of the University for a decade from 1957 to 1967. Being the daughter of the Vice-Chancellor, and at a challenging time for the University, meant that the University was a significant part of Janet’s life, living on the University campus in Sandy Bay.

Janet studied at the University on two occasions. In 1959 she completed a Bachelor of Economics with Honours and returned some years later to complete a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Classics in 1988.

Janet has been a significant supporter of the University for most of her life and, along with her husband Nick Cretan, has generously agreed to endow a perpetual scholarship for a PhD student researching in the fields of philosophy and sociology.

Type of Scholarship

Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

August 2028*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change.

  1. An amount of $100,000 donated by Mrs Janet and Mr Nick Cretan to the University of Tasmania Foundation, together with a contribution of $50,000 provided by the University of Tasmania Foundation, along with any interest from time to time forms the endowment component of a scholarship to be called the "Janet Cretan Elite Research Scholarship".
  2. The Scholarship will be awarded as a Top-up Scholarship for PhD candidates eligible for a Research Training Program (RTP) stipend or equivalent base living allowance stipend.
  3. The scholarship is to be awarded to a UTAS PhD candidate in an area identified as a research strength in the disciplines of philosophy or sociology.
  4. The scholarship will be awarded following applications and with endorsement from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts (or nominee), a member of the Cretan Family (while they wish to be involved) and the Dean of Graduate Research (or nominee).
  5. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the student’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken towards the degree during suspension of the top-up and is subject to the student:
    1. continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office
    2. continuing to make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Management and Higher Degree by Research Reviews of Progress Policies
    3. providing a written report on their progress to the Graduate Research Office where specified in the conditions of the award
  6. One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the scholarship being open to application at any time it is not held by a PhD candidate.
  7. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the scholarship from time to time having regard to the income from the endowment.
  8. The Dean of Graduate Research and the Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment.


The late Merle White Weaver, a graduate of the University of Tasmania, gifted a portion of her estate to establish a scholarship to encourage women graduates in the South-East Asian and Pacific area to pursue postgraduate study and research.

The funds are managed by TPT Wealth.

Type of Scholarship

Base Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

March 2028*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

Scholarship Conditions

  1. The late Merle White Weaver, a graduate of the University of Tasmania, instructed in her Will that part of her Estate be used for the purpose of encouraging women graduates in the South-East Asian and Pacific area to pursue postgraduate study and research. The Estate is managed by TPT Wealth.
  2. The Scholarship is to be known as the Merle W Weaver Postgraduate Scholarship and may be offered following consultation with TPT Wealth.
  3. The Scholarship may only be awarded to an eligible applicant or candidate for postgraduate research at the University of Tasmania.
  4. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. A PhD or Masters  applicant or candidate who has been offered or has commenced a Higher Degree by Research, in any area at the University of Tasmania;
    2. Identifies as female;
    3. Is a citizen of a South-East Asian or Pacific area country; and
    4. Has completed undergraduate study from any university in the South-East Asia and Pacific area (excluding Australia and New Zealand).
  5. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 4.
  6. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years, with no extension, of the candidate’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship and is subject to the candidate:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy
      3. Providing a written report on their progress to the Graduate Research Office where specified in the conditions of the award.
  7. One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the Scholarship only being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a Higher Degree by Research candidate.
  8. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research and Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the scholarship, including advertising, application procedures, and the method and time of payment of the scholarship.


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (Tasmanian Branch) has established the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (Tasmanian Branch) Pharmacy Research Scholarship (Scholarship) to promote and foster the furtherance of research and post graduate education in pharmacy.

Type of Scholarship

Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

April 2027*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

  1. The Scholarship will be awarded as a top-up scholarship for applicants offered candidature as a PhD candidate, with a base living allowance stipend, or for current PhD candidates already holding or eligible for a base living allowance stipend at the University rate.
  2. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. an applicant applying for PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate; and,
    2. an applicant applying for a PhD with a research project in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, or a current PhD candidate with a research project in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.
  3. The Scholarship selection will be undertaken  by the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research Committee and overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 2.
  4. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the candidate's course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the base living allowance stipend; or,
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the base living allowance stipend and is subject to the candidate:
      1. continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office;
      2. continuing to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Graduate Research Office;
      3. providing a report on their progress in writing or in person as specified in the conditions of their award as requested by the Graduate Research Office.
  5. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the Scholarship.
  6. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research and Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment.


Honouring the late Mr Glazebrook’s wishes, who was a passionate advocate for conserving Tasmania’s natural environment, the University is to apply this bequest to provide a scholarship to students undertaking a Masters by Research, or PhD on:

  • Threats and remedies related to negative environmental impacts on Tasmania’s natural environment (past, present and future, terrestrial and aquatic) from human activities ; and/or,
  • Research to ensure Aboriginal environmental justice occurs so that indigenous acceptance is a prerequisite for proposed developments in the natural environment.

Successful project(s) should ideally focus on:

  1. The negative environmental impacts of changes to Tasmania’s natural environment from human activities, particularly towards threatened flora/fauna, and develop remedies using science–based evidence to firstly measure risks and then by research, deliver solutions to abate or eliminate such risks; and/or,
  2. Increase Aboriginal well-being by implementing Aboriginal environmental justice practices on issues related to their land and sea regions through consultation with relevant Aboriginal representatives.

Type of Scholarship

Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

August 2028*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

  1. The Richard Ernest Glazebrook Environment Scholarship (the Scholarship) will be awarded as a top-up scholarship.
  2. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. A MRes or PhD applicant, or candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University Rate; and,
    2. An applicant or candidate with a research project falling into at least one of the following themes:
      1. Conservation and protection of Tasmania’s important natural assets, particularly threatened species, including current status studies and research of impact assessments (actual and potential) on ecosystems and related remedies to human interference (for example directly such as logging, or indirectly such as global warming).
      2. Raising awareness, acceptance and delivery of solutions for injustices suffered by Tasmania’s Aboriginal people through European colonisation, with a focus on environmental justice and connection to land and sea thereby adding to the goal of increased wellbeing into the future. This may also include the cultural impacts from invasive species.
  3. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research (PVCGR) or delegate, with specific regard to the eligibility criteria.
  4. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years of the candidate’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the top-up; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the top-up and is subject to the candidate:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Graduate Research Office; and
      3. Providing the following to the Advancement Office, which will be shared with the Donor/Custodian of this scholarship on their behalf:
        • A thank you letter. Please see sample letter for reference; and,
        • Project updates, to be provided between 6-12 months of accepting the scholarship, and then every 6-12 months for the remainder of the scholarship support.
  5. The Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment.


The late Catherine Guy made a significant gift from her estate, in memory of the late Desmond Stuart Guy, to the University of Tasmania to provide scholarships for engineering students. This gift, along with a contribution from the College of Science and Engineering will provide a postgraduate scholarship for an engineering student.

Type of Scholarship

Base Scholarship and Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

July 2025*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change.

  1. A donation from the late Desmond and Catherine Guy to the University of Tasmania Foundation, together with co-funding from the School of Engineering and ICT, any future donations and accrued interest (the Fund) forms the endowment of a scholarship to be called ‘The Bill Guy Scholarship’ (the Scholarship).
  2. The Scholarship will be offered on completion.
  3. The Scholarship may only be awarded to an eligible postgraduate student studying at the University of Tasmania in the Faculty of Engineering.
  4. If changes occur to courses, or the criteria in practice limits the number of applicants significantly, the University Graduate Research Office may modify the criteria with regard to the intention of the donors to ensure the Scholarship can be awarded.
  5. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research.
  6. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years, with no extension, of the student’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Graduate Research Scholarship; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Graduate Research Scholarship and is subject to the student;
      1. Continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office.
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy.
      3. Providing a written report on their progress to the Graduate Research Office where specified in the conditions of the award.
  7. One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the scholarship being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a PhD candidate.
  8. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the Scholarship from time to time in consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research, with regard to income from the fund.
  9. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures and the method and time of payment to scholarship recipients.


The Banks Family have endowed the Max Banks Research Scholarship in Earth Sciences (Scholarship) in memory of Dr Maxwell R Banks AM for the benefit of students in the discipline of Geology/Earth Sciences. Dr Banks AM was a founding father of Geology at the University of Tasmania, an accomplished academic and an esteemed faculty member in the University of Tasmania Department of Geology from 1947 until 1990.

Type of Scholarship

Top-Up Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

June 2027*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

  1. An amount donated by The Banks Family (the Donor) to the University of Tasmania Foundation, together with any future donations and accrued interest, (the Fund) forms the endowment of a scholarship to be called the “The Max Banks Research Scholarship in Earth Sciences” (the Scholarship).
  2. The Scholarship will be awarded as a top-up scholarship for applicants offered candidature as a PhD candidate, with a base living allowance stipend, or for current PhD candidates already holding or eligible for a base living  allowance stipend at the University rate.
  3. The Scholarship may only be awarded to an eligible Higher Degree by Research candidate studying at the University of Tasmania in the discipline of Earth Sciences. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. An applicant applying for a PhD and a base living allowance stipend at the University rate, or a current PhD candidate who has been offered or awarded a base stipend at the University rate; and,
    2. An applicant applying for a PhD with a research project in the discipline of Earth Sciences, with a preference for Geology, or a current PhD candidate with a research project in the discipline of Earth Sciences, with a preference for Geology
  4. If changes occur to courses offered at the University at some time in the future, or should the criteria in practice limit the number of applicants significantly, the University's Graduate Research Office may modify the criteria, in consultation with the Donors, to ensure the scholarship can be awarded.
  5. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research, with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 3.
  6. The Scholarship is tenable for 3.5 years of the candidate's course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship; or,
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship, and is subject to the candidate:
      1. continuing in full-time study or in part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research Office
      2. continuing to make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Management and Higher Degree by Research Reviews of Progress Policies
      3. providing a written report on their progress to the Graduate Research Office where specified in the conditions of the award
  7. One Scholarship will be offered at any time, with the Scholarship being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a PhD candidate.
  8. The Advancement Office will set the annual value of the Scholarship with regard to the income from the Fund. The value will be reviewed prior to advertisement of the Scholarship.
  9. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research and the Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the Scholarship, including advertising, application procedures, and the method and time of payment.
  10. The ‘Max Banks Research Scholarship in Earth Sciences Scholarship’ may only be held at the University of Tasmania.


A generous donation from the disbanded Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship Hobart branch will support a post graduate position in the areas of dementia, heart complaints or cancer. The funds are managed by TPT Wealth.

Type of Scholarship

Base Scholarship

Next Scheduled Offer

March 2028*

*Please check back regularly as this date is subject to change

  1. This Scholarship is provided through a generous donation from the disbanded Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship Hobart branch. The funds are managed by TPT Wealth.
  2. The Scholarship is to be known as the Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship Medical Research Trust Scholarship and may be offered following consultation with TPT Wealth.
  3. The Scholarship is provided to a student for research in the areas of dementia, heart complaints or cancer.
  4. The eligibility criteria are:
    1. A PhD or MRes applicant, or a current candidate who is applying for, been offered, or has commenced a Higher Degree by Research at the University of Tasmania; and,
    2. Undertaking research in dementia, heart complaints, or cancer.
  5. The Scholarship selection will be determined by an approved selection process overseen by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research, with specific regard to the eligibility criteria as details in clause 4.
  6. The Scholarship is tenable for up to 3.5 years, with no extension, of the candidate’s course of study. The duration of the Scholarship will be reduced by any periods of study undertaken:
    1. Towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship; or
    2. Towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship and is subject to the candidate:
      1. Continuing in full-time study or part-time study if approved by the Graduate Research office
      2. Continuing to make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy
      3. Providing a written report on their progress to the Graduate Research Office where specified in the conditions of the award
  7. One scholarship will be offered at any time, with the Scholarship only being open to application at any time it is not currently being held by a Higher Degree by Research candidate.
  8. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Research and Graduate Research Office will determine all other matters concerning the scholarship, including advertising, application procedures, and the method and time of payment of the scholarship.

Key dates

If you are applying for a project with an available scholarship, please check the closing and outcome dates for each round below and ensure you have submitted your completed application on time. Please allow enough time to contact the proposed supervisor and collect all relevant documentation prior to submitting.

Applications close at 11.59pm AEST.

Scholarship rounds 2025

Round StatusDiscipline Open to*Commencing Application closing date Outcomes Provided
OPENSee individual project advertisementDomestic applicants ONLY20251st  Feb 202513th Apr 2025
OPENSee individual project advertisementInternational & Domestic applicants20251st  Feb 202513th Apr 2025
Available soonAll disciplines Domestic applicants ONLY20251st June 20254th Aug 2025

*Where a round specifies a specific citizenship type (Domestic AND/OR International), only those with that type of citizenship will be eligible to apply. Please select the appropriate round and project to suit your citizenship.

Applications received after the closing date of a round will ONLY be considered (at the next available round) if a suitable applicant is not found by the round outcome date.

Please note, projects with a guaranteed scholarship may have a different closing date to those listed above. Please check each project advertisement carefully.


Domestic candidates

Domestic candidates do not pay fees for a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). The Australian Government currently provides funding to all Australian universities to cover the cost of research degree places through the Research Training Program.

Domestic candidates undertaking Graduate Certificate in Research (X5A) or Graduate Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science (S6O) must complete an eCAF form via eStudent (eCAF Information). This is for Government reporting purposes, there are no tuition fees or a HECS-HELP debt incurred by the candidate for X5A or S6O.

Other applicable fees, such as Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) will be the responsibility of the candidate.

International candidates

International candidates pay a flat annual fee, please see the tuition fee rates (per annum) for 2024 (PDF 152.3 KB) for 2024 rates, and the  tuition fee rates (per annum) for 2025 for 2025 rates.

The Department of Home Affairs requires evidence that applicants for a student visa have sufficient funds to complete their studies.

You need to consider the following expenses:

  • HDR tuition fees
  • Visa and medical (pre-departure) fees
  • General living expenses
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
  • Return airfares

Please also review Department of Home Affairs Student Visa Living Costs and evidence of funds.

International candidates may request the University of Tasmania provide a quote for Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) as part of the application process. The standard costs for the different levels of cover are:

Course type Single cover Couples/Single Parent cover Family cover
PhD course AUD $4,254 AUD $17,310 AUD $27,300
Masters by Research AUD $1,714 AUD $6,965 AUD $10,958

Find out more about Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Research costs

The School/Institute you enrol through at the University of Tasmania is responsible for meeting all 'direct research costs' that are necessary to undertake your HDR project. This includes:

  • Access to resources or facilities at the University of Tasmania or other organisations in Australia or overseas
  • Travel to complete fieldwork, collect data, or to visit libraries or other repositories
  • Training in techniques

External Candidates: As per the HDR Admissions and Enrolment Policy, your College acknowledged that by supporting external candidates, all additional costs related to external candidature can be met by the Candidate, the research project or the academic unit of enrolment.

Funding may be available for supplementary research that is not essential to your project, but will enhance your research experience at the University of Tasmania.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

All candidates must pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF), which we use to improve student services. This cost is included in international tuition fees, however domestic candidates are charged separately.

How to apply

Applicants should complete an application in conjunction with their supervisory team. Please indicate on the application if you wish to be considered for a scholarship.

Future candidates should review the scholarship information above and then visit our Apply Now page for further instructions. Applications for scholarships will be reviewed and ranked on a competitive basis.

More information